Friday, October 26, 2018

One Simple Man

It is indeed wonderful to see my brother Hamis Juma leading and bringing many to the knowledge of Christ JESUS after being well discipled himself. This takes the hand of GOD because Hamis was disowned by his family for following JESUS. This is extremely difficult to take for many of us, but by God's grace Hamis is now leading so many to the LORD. In the pictures, he has led these youths to knowing Jesus and doing Bible Way Correspondence School.

Please pray for Juma as He keeps sharing the story that changed his life even amid so many pressures and hate from the Muslim community led by his own family members that cannot stand him sharing JESUS CHRIST. May all the glory and honor be to our LORD GOD who reigns forever more.

Xavier Mpanga, Nairobi, Kenya

Xavier Mpanga leads the IMFC work in Nairobi, Kenya. Nairobi is home to some of the largest slums in the world. Millions of people call these slums home. Hamis Juma is one of these people. Disowned by family, pressured and hated by the Muslim community, Hamis keeps sharing the message of Jesus Christ that changed him! Hamis Juma is a modern day follower of Jesus like the ones of Acts 11:19-24. He is poor. He is not famous. He is not ordained. He has no church building, no religious programing, no stage, no budget. He has little education. But, he has the two most important things: The message of God’s grace in Jesus Christ that changed him and the hand of God on his life. 

 At IMFC we pray for and focus upon raising up an army of people like Hamis that will be able to go and make disciples of Jesus among every tribe and language. Pray for him and pray for the hundreds of disciples just like him across Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan and DR Congo who are moving around sharing the gospel of Christ. Pray that the Lord encourage them, meet their needs and keep them from harm as they run with the message of Christ and make Disciple Makers. 

Thanks for your prayers and support, and if you would like to come alongside these men and women to help work in their communities and bring encouragement to them and their families, there are many opportunities  in 2019. I world love to see you there. Have a great day.


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